Morrison Brook | ja

Carla Morrison is a Mexican singer who lives in Baja California Mexico, whose business is to create music with pedals with clips and loops, along with her keyboard and electroacoustic guitar effects, based on their songs build with layers live music second to third and quarters voices of herself ... In their sound you can feel the melancholy and the feeling of a very innovative proposal and avant-garde, as entertaining as it gives a lot chipazos melody and happiness .. In early 2006 Carla begins to interact with various rock cover bands in Spanish, at the end after six months...
There are multiple artists called James Morrison: 1) an English singer-songwriter from Rugby 2) an Australian jazz musician who plays numerous instruments; best known for his trumpet playing 3) a notable south Sligo-style Irish fiddler. 4) "Jim" Morrison, lead singer of 1960s American rock group The Doors. 1. James Morrison (born James Morrison Catchpole on August 13, 1984) is a singer-songwriter from Rugby, Warwickshire, England. He says that his musical influences include Al Green, Otis Redding, Cat Stevens and The Kinks. At 13 Morrison began to learn guitar when his uncle showed him how to play a blues riff. He...
Troyal Garth Brooks (born February 7, 1962 in Tulsa, Oklahoma) is an American country music singer songwriter and charity director. Brooks was a phenomenal musical force in the 1990s. He had his chart breakthrough in 1989, having come apparently from nowhere, and was an immediate commercial success. Lacking the tall and lanky physical appearance typical of some male country stars, he successfully integrated pop and rock elements into his recordings and live performances. He soon began to dominate the country singles and country albums charts and quickly crossed over into the mainstream pop arena, selling records like no one else...
Several artist appear under the name Brooklyn: 1) A short-lived rock band featuring Bad Brains member Daryl Jenifer and Adam Yauh from Beastie Boys who recorded a 15-song demo in late 1987. 2) A rapper from the Czech Republic 3) Co-founder of Heatbag records, Brooklyn is a member of Winnipeg's Most in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada who has two solo albums; Mind of a Heatbag (2009) and Only the Strong Survive (2011). 4) A hardcore/metalcore band from Melbourne, Australia formed in 2011. Thus far, they've released a 2-part demo, the first and second parts being named "Bearing The Weight" and "Of...
近頃の使い捨てポップ・ミュージック界においては、 頑固なまでに自身の音楽道を貫くヴァン・モリソンは別格の存在だ。 そして彼は、その予測できない音楽の方向性を熱心なファンに見守られている。 彼は最初から、一時的な流行を無視することによって、 時間の流れを超越した作品群を発表してきている。 例えば、R&Bに刺激を受けたガレージ・ロックのゼム(彼の別働隊)と同様に、 アルバム『アストラル・ウィークス』は侘びしいアシッド・ジェネレーションの実態を曝すような、 大胆で実験的な作品だ。 その一方で、70年のアルバム『ムーンダンス』では命の喜びを爽快に表現。 これらの作品はソウル/フォーク/ブルース/ジャズ、 そして自身のルーツでもあるケルト・ミュージックをミックスしたものである。 どれも秀作だ。 彼は数多いるアメリカやイギリスのアーティストのなかでもトップに立つ存在だが、 自分自身のバイオやプライヴェートについてはあまり語らず、 レイ・チャールズやフランク・シナトラ、そしてジェリー・リー・ルイスについて語ることを好む。 ヴァン・モリソンはそんな頑固な男なのだ。 .