Soweto String Quartet | ja

4 Strings currently consists of Carlo Resoort (who mostly makes the music) and Jan De Vos (who mostly works on production and arrangement, and performs some songs). In 2004, there were some rumors of singer Vanessa van Hemert leaving the group, due to some new 4 Strings songs that were released that did not feature van Hemert. On the official 4 Strings website, Resoort debunked the rumors. Although in 2005, van Hemert did leave the group. While Jan De Vos isn't actually a part of 4 Strings, he took up the name DJ 4 Strings and does all live performances...
室内楽とジャズを融合させた稀代の功労者たち  クラシックに傾倒するジョン・ルイス(p)の趣向を、モダン・ジャズ界の名手たちとグループ・サウンドに昇華した名門コンボ。51年、ディジー・ガレスピー(tp)のビッグ・バンドの構成員だったルイス、ミルト・ジャクソン(vib),パーシー・ヒース(b)、ケニー・クラーク(ds)の4人で活動を開始。翌年にレギュラー化し、対位法を採り入れた室内楽曲にファンキー・ジャズの即興性を融合する画期的実験を進める。55年からクラークがコニー・ケイ(ds)に代わり、メトロノーム誌の人気コンボのトップに躍り出た。楽理と演奏力を一体化させた名作を連発。ジャズの領域を脱し映画音楽や組曲にも挑戦した。74年11月のニューヨークでのコンサートで、実質的解散となった。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
Quarteto em Cy (a play on words of the Portuguese for 'Quartet in B' by poet and lyricist Vinicius de Moraes) is a quartet of sisters from the Tropicalia musical movement in Brazil. They first became known for their collaborations with Vinicius de Moraes, and later worked with a number of other composers from the movement. They are Cybele, Cylene, Cynara, and Cyva. .
Since their debut in 1993, the four members of Quartette have been both publicly and critically acclaimed for their lush harmonies and delightfully diverse repertoire. Cindy Church, Caitlin Hanford, Gwen Swick, and Sylvia Tyson are seasoned singer/songwriters whose influences range from blues and gospel to folk and country to jazz and pop. Quartette has received several Juno nominations, won a Canadian Country Music Award for best vocal collaboration, performed with major symphony orchestras across Canada, and recorded the CMT-TV special, “A Quartette Christmas.” They have also released two Christmas CDs, “It’s Christmas!” in 1996, and “I See A Star” in...