The Suffragettes | ja

The Suffragettes are a production/dj team of 4 young Japanese guys: so inagawa, sackrai, yone-ko, kesu from Nagoya and Tokyo. In 1998, so inagawa and sackrai started an electronic noise band. When they got in touch with the first biggest rave in Japan, they met yone-ko and kesu. They had something in common, which is called "passion for music". From MTR to hardware synthesizer to MPC2000 to Laptops, they have been changing their style of expression, but not their passion for expression. The suffragettes released their first track "gender" on WC recordings (Japan). Their upcoming releases are on Fenou and...
見つかりました 20 曲, デュレーション: 02:42:59
The Suffragette
Everything Counts
Jokou (Marek Bois Rmx)
The Suffragette (James Scott, 1914)
Рomework 1
Clear Blue (the Suffragettes Remix)
The Unreal [Original Mix]
The Lost World of the Suffragettes
Forquop Vinyl Sale NSK
The Suffragette Waltz