Andrea Neumann Toshimaru Nakamura | ja

Creating music is a passion that grows ever stronger, day after day and I hope I never lose but to improve it even more. .
東京在住の音楽家。1982年生まれ。 少年期に鍵盤、ギターをほぼ独学で学び、2006年より本格的に活動開始。暮れる日々のサウンドトラックのようにアコースティックな音色 を紡ぎ出す。2007年、二つのコンピレーションアルバムに参加し、高い評価を得ている。また、多様な音楽性を持った演奏家が集まる楽団nicaを主賓、作曲を手がける。nicaでは、2007年、六本木スーパーデラックス、浅草アサヒアートスクエア、同年の夏には、江ノ島Freedom Sunsetへの出演も果たす。そして、2007年夏の終り、scholeよりakira kosemuraとのスプリット / コラボレーションアルバム「Afterglow」を発表。また、2008年春に、待望のファーストフルアルバム「grace」をscholeよりリリース。鍵盤、アコースティックギターが紡ぎ出す柔らかくて温かい、そしてどこか懐かしいような、淡い記憶を探るメロディ。 .
Shingo NAKAMURA was born in 1986. He started to compose music in 2002, at the age of 16. In 2004, he started to distribute his original songs, in the name of "mek", at "Muzie", a music distribution site for indies. When he was 19 years old, he encountered Progressive House. James Grant, who is A&R Director of Anjunabeats, came to Japan. His progressive sounds left Shingo spellbound. Consequently, he chose Progressive Trance and Progressive house as his main field. In 2006, "The Originators - Raising Soul (mek Remix)" was played by DJ Matsunaga of Sevensenses recordings. This catapulted him into...
Andrea Bocelli (born in 1958 in Lajatico, Tuscany, Italy) is an Italian tenor, multi-instrumentalist and classical crossover artist. Born with poor eyesight, he became blind at the age of twelve following a football accident. A disciple of Luciano Pavarotti and Zucchero Fornaciari, the blind, Tuscany-born, vocalist has emerged as one of the most exciting voices in contemporary opera. His participation in Pavarotti's 1992 hit, Miserere, and Fornaciari's 1993 world tour brought him international attention. Opera, however, represents only one side of his musical persona. Bocelli has been equally successful as a pop ballad singer, having recorded duets with Celine Dion,...