Profit | ja

Dark, angry hardcore from Portland, OR.!/pages/PROFITS/102294879811268 .
There is more than one artist called Profit. 1. An Armenian rapper ( 2. A German dubstep duo ( 1. "I'm not white, I'm Armenian," says Profit while sipping a Sapporo in his North Hollywood studio. With him are his two producers, Taron and Kris P (together, the three call themselves Entity). "Some people might say ‘whatever man, you're white,’ but that's like calling a Chinese person an Asian and leaving it at that. That person knows he's not just Asian, because he's got things in his culture that are unique to his people and there's a lot that comes...
"The Profits" refers to two bands. 1) The Profits were a Boston punk band (1999-2005). The Profits lyrics dealt with a range of issues they found important: from the blood and blind patriotism of war, to the strength of people who resist and make a positive change for the future. 2) Or the more popular act, hailing from Madison, Wisconsin. The Profits gained popularity throughout the college crowd with solid songwriting, that blended together rich vocal harmonies. The band has disbanded, but members can be found in the band 'We the Living.' .