Kuolema | ja

Tuhat kuolemaa sekunnissaa is a two man Finnish neofolk group, consisting of Mikko Pöyhönen (guitar, bass, vocals) and Antti Paavilainen (guitar, second voice). The music encompasses a rich variety of different techniques and styles, but can be described in general as an accessible mixture of harsh acoustic guitar play and bass, combined with a wide range of different singing styles. http://www.taistelu.org/tks/ - Official web site http://www.taistelu.org/tks/musiikki07.html - MP3 downloads .
There are two known artists with the name Kuolema: 1. A noisy hardcore / noisecore band from Finland. 2. A deathcore band from Connecticut, USA. .
Kaunis Kuolematon is Finnish for "Beautiful Immortal". The band was formed in Hamina, Finland in winter 2012. At first, Mikko Heikkilä was writing songs in English, but then, for a deeper touch, and to tell their expression in their native language, they switched to Finnish. Initially, Kaunis Kuolematon consisted of M. Heikkilä (vocals / guitar), J. Uski (bass) and M. Hostikka (drums). After a few rehearsals, V. Mussalo (guitar) and O. Suvanto (vocals) joined the band for a full line-up. In autumn 2012, the band recorded their first mini-EP "Kaunis kuolematon" with the help of Juuso Elmisen (recording), and Saku...