François Bayle | ja

François Chaplin trained at the Paris Conservatoire (CNSM) with the Bulgarian pianist Ventsislav Yankoff and with Jacqueline Robin (accompaniment and chamber music), and was unanimously awarded first prizes for piano and chamber music. He then followed the advanced course with Jean-Claude Pennetier. In 1987, he won the International Piano Competition in Senigallia (Italy), and received in 1989 the Mozart and Robert Casadesus Prizes at the International Competition in Cleveland. Those distinctions are the start of a brilliant international career. His recording of Debussy’s complete piano works has been unanimously acclaimed by the international press and has reaped many awards (Diapason...
François-Joseph Gossec (January 17, 1734 — February 16, 1829) was a Belgian composer of operas, string quartets, symphonies, and choral works who worked in France. His albums were uploaded to Francois-Joseph Gossec The son of a small farmer, Gossec was born at the village of Vergnies, in Belgian Hainaut. Showing an early taste for music, he became a choir-boy in Antwerp. He went to Paris in 1751 and was taken on by the great composer, Jean-Philippe Rameau. He became the conductor of a private band kept by La Popelinière, a wealthy amateur, and became gradually determined to do something to...
Né en Ontario le 29 juillet 1978, ce jeune chanteur a passé toute son enfance et son adolescence à Tracadie-Sheila au Nouveau-Brunswick. Une guitare et une voix sans pareille l'emmènent à se présenter dans différents concours. En 1997, il est finaliste au Festival de la chanson de Petite-Vallée où il remporte le prix du public. L'année suivante sera des plus marquantes pour lui puisqu’il remportera le Gala de la chanson de Caraquet au Nouveau-Brunswick, le Festival de la chanson en fête de St-Ambroise et le Festival international de la chanson de Granby au Québec. Ces nombreux honneurs lui ont valu...
François Virot is a rare bird, who belongs to that endangered kind of musicians that are so devoted to their art that they never care to spend some time at home. You may not know it yet, but in the last few years, this hyperactive musician originating from the city of Lyon (he also plays the drums with his brother Charles in the ballistic noise pop trio Clara Clara) spent more time on the road than your three favorite bands put together… And together with the zillions of Clara Clara records, our boy found the time to fiddle, record and...
見つかりました 151 曲, デュレーション: 13:54:33
Trois andantes
Plus animé
Nuit dénouée
Nuit blanche
Les Couleurs de la nuit
Les Couleurs de la nuit: Nuit fauve
Nuit Blanche
Lignes Et Points
Waters' Murmur
III. La Preuve par le sens - 8. la langue inconnue
Espaces inhabitables - Géophonie
Rosace 3 From Vibrations Composées
Vibrations Composees - Respiration
Divine Comédie: Purgatoire. Danse des chiffres
Espaces inhabitables - amertumes
Espaces inhabitables - Amertumes
Vibrations Composees - Polyrythmie
Onoma - Part 5
Espaces inhabitables - jardins de rien
Jeîta Ou Murmure Des Eaux (Murmure Des Eaux)
Espaces inhabitables (1967)
Onoma - Part 3
Onoma - Part 2
... Onoma 5
Nota - Part 2
Jeîta Ou Murmure Des Eaux (La Vaisseau Nadir)
Nota - Part 1
Tawny Night