Angelo Spencer | ms

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Angelo Spencer was born in Brittany but quickly moved and grew up in the French Alps where he was put on ski at the age of two. At the age of four his life took a twisted turn when he heard for the first time the soundtrack of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
Despite living only two hours from Italy, Angelo has never crossed the border. He blames it on his own stupidity.
After playing in a handful of bands (including the Best/Worst band name ever "Johnny Cash is Dead"), Angelo Spencer moved to the great Northwest of the United States of America in 2006 where he began playing as a one man band.
After self-releasing a couple of albums, and a split 7" with Tender Forever, Angelo recorded a single, "Music is My Sweat," for K with L'Orchidee d'Hawai as his backing band. Soon thereafter Karl Blau recorded Angelo's new record ANGELO SPENCER ET LES HAUTS SOMMETS at Dub Narcotic with the help of Arrington De Dionyso and Clyde Petersen. It sounds like a soundtrack. Angelo will be doing a European tour with Desolation Wilderness and hopes to also visit Italy, soon. Currently he lives in Olympia, Wash. with his family and chickens. .

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