Descendants Of Cain | ms

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Descendants of Cain is the brainchild of South African composer Darryl Kruger or "D" as he's known. In 1998 D uprooted himself from his native soil, and armed with little more than his instruments and a suitcase of songs, set off for London to seek his fortunes and make his mark on the music world. A fateful meeting with kindred spirits Philippa Moore and Iain Smith resulted in the first realisation of DoC as a live act. A well-received debut performance at the Camden Underworld supporting Inkubus Sukkubus was followed by almost a year of hard work, the result of which was the self-financed first album, ATzILUTH. A monthly residency at Club Tenebrae (London) - which was to last almost two years - gave the band a chance to develop a solid live performance and build a loyal fan base, and afforded a valuable opportunity to begin experimenting with the live shows - this involved building a lighting and effects rig to create a visually striking physical atmosphere to complement the already atmospheric and illuminated sound.

2001 was a year of development involving the adoption of more sophisticated recording & production techniques, and included gigs alongside Inkubus Sukkubus, The Cruxshadows, The Faces of Sarah, Star Industry, This Burning Effigy, Passion Play and a host of other bands. The release of numerous promotional cd's began earning DOC rave reviews and recognition worldwide for their versatility, passion and original sound.
2002 saw a return to the studio for the recording and production of a second album Briah: Of Man and Magician which was released on December 9th. Live shows were staged around the UK alongside bands such as The Dammed and NFD (ex Fields of the Nephilim/The Nefilim).

In 2003 D decided to end the live performances and began work on his solo project entitled Yetzirah: The Balance of Disharmonies. This was a mammoth undertaking as he was responsible for writing, performing, engineering and producing all twelve songs.

2004 saw the release of The Book of Changes to begin promoting the material from Yetzirah and Assiah.

2006/2007 was a pivotal year for DoC seeing the release of both Yetzirah and Assiah on the Internet. The signing to German label Echozone was an important step forward for the project and D has been working closely with them to further the music in 2008…

2008 so far… This has already been a productive and highly revolutionary year for the development of Descendants of Cain. With the upcoming release, The Tao of Wisdom and Misery and a definite return to the stage, 2008 looks set to see DoC spread their wings and take off like never before. With the inclusion of new band members such as guitarist Dan 77 and Drummer Steve May the live performances will be something not to be missed. So we carry on and watch the tale unfold…


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