Knorkator | ms

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Knorkator is a German band from Berlin-Köpenick that combined Industrial Metal with non-serious and comical elements. They proclaimed themselves to be "Germany's most band in the world" (German: "Deutschlands meiste Band der Welt"), as the title "The best band in the world" was already taken by Die Ärzte. The band was founded in 1994, but only played live gigs in the Berlin / Brandenburg area until 1998.

Knorkator gained further fame (and some notoriety) in 2000 with their performance of Ick wer zun Schwein (sic; literally - berlin dialect "I'm turning into a pig") in the German national qualification for the Eurovision song contest. Knorkator's wild stage shows and explicit lyrics, as well as the fact that nearly half of the vocalist's body is tattooed black, have earned them a reputation as a chaotic comedy band; however, the band's music actually shows considerable technical and artistic merit that is sometimes overlooked.

Most of Knorkator's lyrics are in German; however, some songs also feature English (Beating around the bush, Ma Baker etc.), Thai (Mai khao djai, Khid tyng baan), Latin (Aeger sum, Absolution) or French (Ma belle fêmme, Franz Hose) lyrics.



1997 The Schlechtst of Knorkator
1999 Hasenchartbreaker
2000 Tribute to uns selbst
2002 High Mud Leader
2003 Ich hasse Musik
2007 Das nächste Album aller Zeiten
2010 Knorkator – Mein Leben Als Single (3 CD-Box Ltd. Ed.)
2011 Es werde Nicht


2005 Zu alt
2008 Weg nach unten

1995 A
1998 Böse
1999 Weg nach unten
1999 Buchstabe
2000 Ick wer zun Schwein
2000 Ich lass mich klonen
2000 Komm wieder her
2003 Der ultimative Mann
2006 Wir werden
2007 Alter Mann
2008 Kinderlied .

Semua album

Album teratas

Artis serupa