The Hundred Acre Woods | ms

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The Hundred Acre Woods, a folk/punk band based in Philadelphia, formed in the latter half of 2009, aims to convey a message that is both young and old. These Philadelphia transplants blend the honesty and sincerity of traditional folk music with the raw energy and drive of punk rock. Drawing influence from both the fast-paced city life, and their suburban roots, The Hundred Acre Woods break the traditional “rules,” of both punk and folk, creating a new and refreshing sound characterized by driving banjo hooks and rich vocal harmonies. The songwriting team of Reinhardt and Stevens culminates in a duality most noticeable on their upcoming self-produced 7”, "Cold In The Morning". The Hundred Acre Woods employ sincere lyricism, and raucous acoustic guitar to create indie music with mainstream appeal.

". . . I also love its simple high school mindset: I’m a little more freeminded than the rest of the people in my school and maybe I’ll drop out and run away and my parents and teachers and elders can’t tell me what to do because all of a sudden I know that I can make my own thoughts. Then they got older. They got better at recording. They started writing about geography. They met Jillian Mallon. They met Jacob Colon. They played shows, made musician friends, connections. They learned about music, they calmed down, they grew up a little bit. I think that’s where we all are right now. We had a point where we felt super alive and had the potential to do crazy things, now we are learning about these crazy things, mastering them, and turning them into a craft. We are growing older, maybe feeling a little bit disconnected because we don’t have the same “HENRY DAVID THOREAAAUUUUU” at the top of our lungs that we used to. But it is not gone. We can still access it. Just last week, when THAW played a few new songs they are recording, they ended their set with this song, and I yelled. They yelled. The room yelled. We may have learned to rerecord the moment when the timing of our vocals doesn’t match the drums and guitar, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make mistakes and live." - Jill Mallon on "HDT"

"Its so happy and woodsy, it belongs on any camping soundtrack."

"I'm not even listening to it like I have friends in the band, I'm listening to The Hundred Acre Woods, their new album."

"Its like Dr. Dog, without all that crazy Alice in Wonderland shit."

"Greatest representation of high school in a song I've ever heard."

"It's so campfire beautiful, like, it's so warm"

"..helps me get through potentially frightening midnight bike distances back to civilization."

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