Trafficker | ms

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Trafficker is the band formed and led by ace guitarist and songwriter Tommy Allen. Never one to let the grass grow under his feet, Tommy recently works with Johnny Hewitt on his new project 'The Chicago Blues Duo'

The past for Tommy has been a mix 2001 Tommy spent 8 months playing guitar with the Sugar Babes recording their single Soul Sound and appearing with them on 24 Television Shows.

Tommy has played guitar for Mojo Buford (legendary American harmonica player and an ex-member of Muddy Water's band) in 2003 and as a result has been invited to Memphis this year to embark on a two week tour of the southern states of the USA as a guest of Memphis blues band, Nightrain, fronted by Papa Don McMinnn, who was guitarist for John Mayall's Blues breakers in the early 70s.

Tommy has jammed and recorded with: Nicky Moore, Marcus Malone, Otis Taylor, Lazy Lester, The Producers, Ben Waters, Papa George, Rod Garfield, Danny Bryant, Dino Baptiste, Connie Lush,Jim Crawford, Robert Hokum, Earl Green, Todd Sharpville, Eddie Martin, Otis Grand, Ian Parker, Pee Wee Ellis (James Brown Sax Player), Simon Kirk and Mick Ralph (Bad Company).

In 2009 His Blues band can be found at