Zespół z parafii św Ducha | ms

Zespół Reprezentacyjny is Polish sung poetry band, which was set up by Filip Łobodziński and Jarosław Gugała in 1983 in Warsaw. They recorded two albums: "Za nami noc... (songs by Lluís Llach)" and "Śmierć za idee (Georges Brassens' ballads)". They also sang Sephardi Jews song. In 1990 activity of band was stopped, and it was restored in 2005. In 2007 they published album "Kumple to grunt" with Brassens' poems. .
Swiss dada-ist/No wave orchestra that brings out the best in man. Liz Moscarola: violon-voice, Anne Cardinaud: marimba-percussions, Seth Bennet: trombone, Wilf Plum: drums, Maël Salettes: guitar, Vincent Bertholet: doublebass. past: Julien Israelian, Guillaume Lantonnet : drums, Yohan Fievet : marimba, Séni: trombone, Titi, Guillaume Fernez: guitar. www.myspace.com/orchestretoutpuissantmarcelduchamp .
Annette Ducharme aka Anet was born in Windsor, Ontario. She was 1 of 13 children. Her father, a musician and healer with an incredible tenor voice, led her on the path of discovering her own voice as a musician. She left home at a very early age, traveled the world and eventually found her way to the west coast, attracted by the sea and mountains. Anet has been a successful performer and writer since she was on her own and continues to grow as a performer, actor and composer. There is always more to learn. She is in the throes...
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Video Zespół z parafii św Ducha