mallsoft | ms

Mallsoft is distinct from its cousin Vaporwave by using ethereal, vague music that is very easily looped as 'background' music. The genius of mallsoft is that it's NOT meant to be paid attention to, it's not distinct. It's meant to be left on repeat while the 'listener' does other things. The repetition of the music eventually forces its way into the listener's mind subconsciously, to be recalled at later date as a memory of something that may or may not have happened. Mallsoft is the ultimate commentary on our ADD, twitter-obsessed generation that can't focus on one task at a time, much less an entire album.

Mallsoft is essentially the ultimate realization of a concept being so "post" it ceases to even exist in the same realm and enters the realm of entirely self parody and therefore creates an endless loop within itself. the concept that a captcha invented the genre name, an anonymous internet user claimed it would become a phenomenon and then an internet community made a joke about it essentially created a self fulfilling prophecy, we are living in 2013, we are living in mallsoft .