Gomer Edwin Evans | nl

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Gomer was born at the 24 September 1947 in the welsh city Cardiff. He did study classical guitar and muscial theroritics at the Cardiff Music College in Wales. Because of his ability to play instruments (Gomer is able to play classical, electrical, accustic guitar, accordion, piano, synthesizer, bass, harmonica and flute) he became quickly a very demanded studio musician. But he liked to play his own music, so he started touring with his own folk music in the USA in the 80's. In New York he started to compose music for the resting of body and soul. In colaboration with famous psychologics of germany and the UK he started to develope his own style; music for body, soul and spirit. Gomer is nowadays admired worldwide for his music and he has published over 30 CD so far. Gomer Edwin Evan is one of the most popular instrumental musicians of these times. Besides his meditation music he also composes musical themes for TV and movies. .

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