dd Synthesis | nl

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The band was established in 1995 for the purpose of carrying out an in-depth pursuit of the outstanding folk music treasures of Macedonia. The name โ€œSynthesisโ€ was chosen to express the concept of the group, which is to combine traditional sounds with contemporary arrangements to create a musical synthesis. Digging deeply into the roots of Macedonian folk heritage, with a serious concern for the basics of traditional compositions, the group has received high praise for breathing new life in this milieu.
The melancholic voyages of Synthesis, with the full emotional power of the heritage and the typical complexity of Macedonian rhythms should not be missed by any Balkan music fan. Macedonia has finally uncovered a contemporary world music project! The group uses the full range of original Macedonian instruments: kaval, gaida, zurla, tapan, tarabuka and tambura.
The line-up consists of three young lady singers, skillfully handling the local vocal tradition, of a keyboard player, two percussionists, tambura player and, of course, kaval, gaida or zurla on the front.
Special mention has to be made here of the fact that while the majority of the traditional groups in Macedonia are amateurs, this band is made up of professional musicians. .