Čankišou | nl

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Czech band Čankišou became famous in the Czech republic and also abroad for its concerts full of energy and wild rhythms. Concerts run by singer Karel Herman who is very impressive not only because of his voice but also his figure become wild dance parties few minutes after beginning. Čankišou mixes influences from various ethnics with rock roots and with its rich collection of exotic instruments travels the world from Réunion island in an Indian ocean to Pakistan.

Čankišou was established at a Christmas party in 1999 by rock musicians. They put together various exotic and common rock instruments and started to explore world music field which was completely new for them at that time. Čankišou music is based on an old legend about one legged Canki people and the band also learnt their language which is understandable all over the world. Within nearly 10 years of existence the band has become one of the top world music bands in the Czech republic and has travelled 14 countries so far.

Čankišou published several successful CD´s: first CD called Music of the Canki people (Hudba lidu Čanki, 2000) is full of energy and passion from new meeting with world music. More thoughtful Densé ju (2002) includes tittle Mongolian folk song, which was brought by singer Karel Herman from a festival in Mongolia. Third Gamagaj (2004) is inspired by a book Baudolino by Umberto Eco (all by FT Records). The last CD called Lé La (2008 by Indies Scope Reocrds) is inspired mainly by many journeys and fusions with local musicians the band did in the previous two years. Sain Zahoor (BBC World music 2006 winner) appears as a guest in a song and video called Zuha. According to the Czech world music journalist Jiri Moravcik Le La is the best Czech world music CD in 2008. The band was nominated for Czech version of Grammy called Andel 2008 in world music category.



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