Fernando Mauricio | nl

Fernando & Sorocaba is a country music band in Brazil. Fernando is Fernando Zorzanello Boniface (born April 21, 1984 in Ji-Paraná-RO) and Sorocaba is the stage name of Fernando Fakra of Assisi (born September 15, 1980 in São Paulo-SP). Fernando began singing when he was living in Cuiabá, where he moved at age 15 and Sorocaba when he was on the college of agronomy in Londrina. He earned this nickname because it was created in the city of Sorocaba, São Paulo. Sorocaba moved to Londrina, where he was studying at College of Agronomy, and there he achieved recognition with his...
Mauricio Kagel (born in Buenos Aires, December 24, 1931, died in Cologne, September 18, 2008) was an Argentine composer who has lived in Germany for most of his career. He was most famous for his interest in developing the theatrical side of musical performance. Many of his pieces give specific theatrical instructions to the performers, such as to adopt certain facial expressions while playing, to make their stage entrances in a particular way, to physically interact with other performers and so on. His work has often been compared to the theatre of the absurd, and he is often talked of...
Fernando Rocha can refer to: 1. A brazilian percussionist who lectures Percussion at the Musical School from Federal University of Minas Gerais -- UFMG and explores the work of percussion composers such as Lewis Nielson, Jacob Sudol,, Almeida Prado, Sérgio Freire, Maurício Dottori, Nicolas Gilbert, Brian Cherney, D. Andrew Stewart and Geof Holbrook; 2. A portuguese stand-up comedian. Since 90's end, he recorded six albums, one DVD and wrote one book. He appears on a TV Show (Levanta-te e Ri) every Monday's where he really gained great recognize by the audience. While he does this show, he makes unique shows...