Fratelli Artesi | nl

The Fratellis are an alternative rock band from Glasgow, Scotland who took their name from the villains in the film "The Goonies" (although, by coincidence, Barry's mother's maiden name is in fact Fratelli). The band consisted of lead vocalist and guitarist Jon Fratelli (real name John Lawler), bass guitarist Barry Fratelli (real name Barry Wallace), and drummer, backing vocalist, occasional guitarist and banjo player Mince Fratelli (real name Gordon McRory). They toured with a pianist / rhythm guitarist, Will Foster. The band has released three albums, 2006's "Costello Music",2008's "Here We Stand" and 2013's "We Need Medicine". History 2005-2006: Beginnings...
Cartesian is a four piece band from Birmingham which consists of twins, Jeff (vocals/guitar) and Richard (guitar /vocals) their older brother Adam (bass) and second cousin Steve (drums). Cartesian’s music genre is a mixture of punk/pop and rock with a mixture of modern and old sounds creating a unique sound. Cartesian have finished their debut album which was released in late September 2010. .
Fratelli-B - das sind die Gebrüder Benedikt und Nicolas Bisig alias Flap und Chandro. Die Jungs kommen aus Baar im Kanton Zug und rappen seit 2001 zusammen als Fratelli-B. Flap und Chandro hatten schon früh den Wunsch, Rap-Musik nicht einfach nur "reinzuziehen". Sie wollten ihre eigenen Ideen umsetzen und selbst aktiv werden. Schon mit 13 Jahren schrieb Flap seine ersten Song-Texte und gründete wenig später seine eigene Band. Chandro hat sich zuerst mit seinem Sandkasten-Freund DJ Juicy zusammengetan und experimentierte mit ihm an Songs und Samples. Im November 2001 fanden die Brüder musikalisch zusammen und gründeten Fratelli-B. "Wir haben unsere...
Gevonden 11 liedjes, looptijd: 44:25
Ragazzina tu
Nu penziero
Questo pazzo amore
Un amore usato
Un amore finito
Più non credo
Zingari di lusso
Si te miette cu me
Me so nammurato n'ata vota

Video Fratelli Artesi