Constantine benevolente Volkov | nl

Constantine Maroulis started his journey to fame by trying out for American Idol, which was not even his idea. After being convinced by his friends to audition, he found himself standing before Simon, Paula, Randy, and guest judge Mark McGrath of Sugar Ray in the Washington DC audition room. After being passed to hollywood, Constantine had others adventures. He was eventually voted off American Idol. He was the 6th challenger left. This voting off caused plenty of controversy, which boosted Constantine's fame even more. Questions arose as to if phone lines were being abused, and if votes were really being...
Eddie Constantine (born Edward Constantinowsky in Los Angeles, California, October 29, 1917 - died Wiesbaden, Germany, February 25, 1993) was an expatriate American actor and singer who spent his career working in Europe. He became a star in France in the 1950s, most notably playing the part of the hard-boiled detective/secret agent Lemmy Caution (from Peter Cheyney's novels) in a series of French B-pictures, including Cet homme est dangereux (1953), Lemmy pour les dames (1961) and À toi de faire ... mignonne (1963). Constantine's typical part was that of a suave-talking, seductive smooth guy, which he often played for laughs....
(n. 4 ianuarie 1946, Bucureşti) este un cântăreţ român de muzică uşoară. A absolvit Institutul de Educaţie Fizică şi Sport din Bucureşti în anul 1973. În anul 1972, termină Şcoala Populară de Artă, clasa Florica Orăscu. Mihai Constantinescu face parte din corul de copii al Radiodifuziunii, iar în anul 1964 intră în grupul Mondial. În această perioadă încep să-i apară primele piese. Lansează piesa «Păpuşa». Mihai Constantinescu mai cântă cu Modern Group, trupa lui Petre Magdin. Primele înregistrări sunt făcute la solicitarea lui Titus Munteanu din repertoriul francez. Titus Munteanu îl remarcă la una din audiţiile organizate de clasa Floricăi...
There are at least five artists known as Constantine: 1) (2014- ) Constantine is the world's "Number One" criminal and a doppelgänger of Kermit the Frog. He is the main antagonist in the film Muppets Most Wanted, along with his sidekick Dominic Badguy (aka "Number Two"). Constantine sets out to steal an enormous diamond. However, mayhem ensues when he gets entangled with the Muppet troupe on their European tour. He is almost identical to Kermit aside from a few details. His pupils are shaped like Kermit's, but are slanted in toward each other at a sharper angle. Kermit's signature...
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