Angra | nl

Angra are a progressive power metal formation from São Paulo, Brazil. Formed in 1991, with Andre Matos (vocals), Luís Mariutti (bass), Marcos Antunes (drums), André Linhares (guitar) and Rafael Bittencourt (guitar). In 1992, Linhares was replaced by André Hernandes, later replaced by Kiko Loureiro. They underwent a big line-up change in 2000, when the vocalist Andre Matos, the bassist Luis Mariutti and the drummer Ricardo Confessori, that have entered after Marcos Antunes (now with Sunsarah), left the band and founded Shaman (later renamed to Shaaman and back to Shaman again) together with Luis' brother Hugo Mariutti. They were then replaced...
1. Angra Mainyu is a depressive black metal band found 2002 in Germany. As typical for this genre their lyrics are focused on themes like sorrow, depression, blasphemy and death. In ancient Persian religion and books of Zoroastrianism, Angra Mainyu is the god of darkness, the eternal destroyer of good, personification and creator of evil, bringer of death and disease. He is also known as Ahriman, and his name means "fiendish spirit". Discography: - 2002 - The Art of Blasphemy (demo) - 2004 - Xasthur/Angra Mainyu (split with Xasthur) - 2007 - Versunkenheit Official Website: 2. Angra Mainyu is...
Vangrail gaat als een speer door Nederland met spraakmakend repertoire en 5 superenthousiaste muzikanten die iedere show onvergetelijk maken! Inmiddels hebben de heren al een behoorlijke reputatie opgebouwd bij de regionale en nationale Radio en TV en natuurlijk ook met de Vangrail On Tour Show! Naast al deze shows heeft Vangrail een platencontract weten te bemachtigen bij een van de grootste platen maatschappijen van Nederland: Red Bullet. Met de singles die Vangrail hier tot dusver heeft uitgebracht, werden de hitlijsten wekenlang bestormd. Ook het album ‘Vroeg of Laat’ is met heel veel succes gepresenteerd. .
The Bhangra Knights are a UK House DJ and MC combo. They were responsible for the Bhangra Knights white label, which became known in October 2002. This underground chunky house record quickly crossed over spawning the 'Bhangra Knights Radio Edit' and Remixes of the subsequent 'Bhangra Knights vs. Husan' record. .