Mhorgl | nl

Mhorgl is a Melodic Black Metal from Western Australia and have slowly evolved into a very unique mix between Raw Black Metal with a handful of Melodic interludes or verses hence making them Experimental - to that context. They have odd structures and generally create an unconventional song style with an offbeat sound yet, a Melodic atmosphere. Originally conceived in 2004 as an extremely raw, monotone and violent Black Metal project, Mhorgl has slowly evolved becoming more epic in nature while retaining the aggression which will always be the basis of it's vision. Mhorgl comprises of a number of musicians...
Gevonden 52 liedjes, looptijd: 04:06:45
Impiety Storm
Ophidian Legacy
Pass Through Flame
Ravenous Wargod
Black Wolf Militia
Terror Manifesto
Necrohatred (A Tribute To Darkthrone)
Weeping Divinity
Inheriting the Mantle of Power
Kiss Of Midnight
Ophidian Legacy
08 Mr Crowley
Terror Manifesto
Impiety Storm
Ravenous Wargod
Mr Crowley (Ozzy Osbourne cover)
05 Necrohatred (A Tribute to Darkthrone)
Inheriting the Mantle of Power
Cavalcade Beneath The Shroud O
Weeping Divinity
The Forlorn Hope
The Shadow Of Morgoth
01 Nocturnal Blasphemy
Black Wolf Militia
Behold The Horrid King (Moloc
Exalting The Fire God
Ascension Through Fire & Wrath
Towards Black Gehenna
Behold The Horrid King (Moloc
The Forlorn Hope
Countess Bathory (Queen Of Van
Exalting The Fire God
Towards Black Gehenna
Countess Bathory (Queen Of Van
Pass Through Flame
To The Dark Tower
The Paean Of Hangatyr
The Paean Of Hangatyr
02 Kiss Of Midnight
Procession To Tophet (Hill Of
Procession To Tophet (Hill Of
The Seed of Rebellion
Exalting The Fire God