drops wet cement on unsuspecting crippled children | nl

Cementahyrolevaginaphobia is the fear of wet cement falling on unsuspecting crippled
children. This phobia is common in all parts of the world, particularly in children that are
unsuspecting, crippled, and under wet cement.
It is estimated that the total percentage of the earth's population with this phobia is about 0.00239 %. Coincidentally, experts say that the percentage of the earth's population that are children that are unsuspecting, crippled, and under wet cement is 0.00239 %.
As you can see from this giraffe: ( www.giraffeadlghl;hasde.com )... pardon me, GRAPH!, the percentage of people that suffer from Cementahyrolevaginaphobia grows each year. However, famed doctors Igor Stakolowkiheizan, and Docter X are currently working on a cure.
U.S. president Barack Obama is devoting everything he can to the cause, and has recently
passed bills that will allow billions of U.S. citizens tax dollars to be used in this noble cause.