Enemies | pl

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There is more than one artist with this name:

1. Enemies formed in 2007 in the small east coast village of Kilcoole, Ireland. With their roots buried deep in DIY culture, the band have spent their seven years together writing, recording, producing and releasing their own records and booking tours with the international support of The Richter Collective, Topshelf Records (and Stiff Slack Records. In those seven years the band have toured America, Europe and Asia, released two highly acclaimed full length albums and three EP's.

In 2013 Enemies released their sophomore album entitled Embark, Embrace. The title being a pillar of the bands mind frame at the time, the idea to do as much as possible within their capabilities and beyond. This record sees a considerable shift in their musical style, incorporating pop and electronic influences, along with scattered vocals, under the broader themes of escape and re invigoration. The record was recorded in the first two months of the year in The Meadow Studios and features guest performances from Conor Adams of The Cast of Cheers, Heathers and more. By March the band had tours booked for America, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Philippines and Europe, with sold out shows in Tokyo, New York, Osaka and Nagoya.

With the amicable departure of drummer Oisin Trench from Enemies in November of 2013, remaining members Lewis Jackson, Mark O’ Brien & Eoin Whitfield set out to find a new drummer and get back to work on new material. Now with 2014 well under way, the band have spent the last 5 months building their live show with new drummer Michael Quinn, working on future releases and booking tours for later this year.


2. Enemies is a hardcore band formed in Tampere, Finland in late 2011 as something fun to do with friends, that quickly turned into a lifeline. Drawing influence from basically every subgenre in aggressive music, the band is constantly evolving, never settling for any one style.

Originally intended as a demo, Enemies' first album, Framing Choices to Silence Our Voices was written and recorded within six months since the band's inception and released digitally in July 2012 and on CD the following year. A fit of unbridled aggression, the album blends together elements of grind, Converge-y chaotic hardcore and sludge, with an ever-present melancholic edge.

In fall 2014, Enemies will release their second LP, Bind Me a Wreath, on vinyl and cassette. Significantly elaborating on the melodic undertones of their previous record, the new album is a cathartic nose dive into themes of self loathing, love and loss that's equal parts catchy, atmospheric and punishingly heavy.

http://www.facebook.com/enemieshc .

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