Racecar | pl

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RACECAR is an ambiguous band name. It can refer to:

(1) An indie-pop band formed in Washington, DC in the summer of 1993.
(2) A stage name for Michael Luchtan, aka Luke Tan, aka racecar. If it is a solo voice and guitar, than that is racecar.
(3) Was a Emo band from 1999/2000?-2001/2002? which they released 2 albums Postcards from Miami (2000) and Bradleys last hope (2001) and a few rare live songs. Not much is known from them

(1)RACECAR formed in the summer of '93 when Brian Gray and Brian McLaughlin got together with bass and drums. Brian M. invited Chris Paul over to come play guitar. Werner Paul was interested in what his brother was doing so Chris asked him to come along. At the time, Werner was also a drummer and a band with two drummers rarely makes it to the big leagues. The solution? Werner buys a Mexican telecaster and comes on as a second guitarist. Brian Gray asks Jina Yi if she would like to sing for the band. He knew that she was no longer with her band, Lorelei, and thought that she might be free. She was. RACECAR was formed. They started out under the band name "Paint" but later had to change the name due to another band being called that. They tossed some other names around (including some too hideous to mention) and came up with RACECAR.

(2)“Racecar” was an old performing moniker of mine that I decided to retire. After a period of time, I didn’t feel like I was the same person who was singing those same songs. I gave the stage persona a real persona, Rakee Karr, and put up NOTICE signs all over town to inform folks of the death of this failed folk singer (an anachronism in this day and age, or so I felt at the time). The final show was a roast to this musician who was no longer.

“Racecar“ était un ancien nom de scène que j'ai décidé de ne plus utiliser. Au bout d'un moment, je me sentait quelqu'un de différent de celui qui chantait ces chansons-là. J'ai donné au personnage scénique une réelle identité, Rakee Karr, et j'ai mis en place des panneaux partout dans la ville pour informer les gens de la mort de ce chanteur folk infructueux (un anachronisme à notre époque, ou en tout cas c'est ce que je pensais à l'époque). Le show final était un toast à ce musicien qui n'était plus.


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