Decapitate Hatred | pl Decapitated (ang. ścięty) to polska grupa muzyczna wykonująca technical brutal death metal. Powstała w 1996 roku w Krośnie z inicjatywy braci: gitarzysty Wacława Kiełtyki pseudonim "Vogg" i perkusisty Witolda Kiełtyki pseudonim "Vitek" oraz wokalisty Wojciecha Wąsowicza pseudonim "Sauron". Do 2006 roku grupa wydała cztery albumy studyjne, które zostały pozytywnie ocenione zarówno przez fanów, jak i krytyków muzycznych. Zespół dał szereg koncertów na całym świecie i uczestniczył w licznych festiwalach: Metalmania, Metalfest, Hunter Fest i Ozzfest. Czasopismo Metal Maniacs określiło grupę mianem nadziei death metalu, natomiast magazyn Terrorizer uznał najlepszym debiutem roku 2000. W tekstach zespół poruszył takie zagadnienia...
Brood Of Hatred is a Tunisian (North Africa) death metal band brought together in 2010 by Muhammed Mêlki. The band started as a one-man project, but after the recording of the debut EP, the band took shape as new members joined in and the final lineup was set. The first EP, called "NEW ORDER OF INTELLIGENCE",recorded in February 2012, has been released on March 2012, followed by their first Album "SKINLESS AGONY" on the same year. Expect some haunting atmospheres guiding you throught progressive journeys and some unconventional writing inspired by the strange state of mind that characterises our band....
The band Embraced by Hatred was born in spring 2002, first being just a project, nameless and unserious. But after realizing what they created it became more and more crucial. It is hard to characterize their music but they would call it metal influenced beatdown. The songs are coined by a metal/nyhc styled riffing with heavy breakdowns and brutal moshparts. Their sound gets its own note by their two singers, who do from screaming and shouting up to rap like spoken words passages.Their lyrics are in english as well as german and dealing with personal experiences like treason and love...
DEPTHS OF HATRED are a 5 piece death metal band from Montreal, Canada. .
There are at least 12 bands called Hatred, 9 of them various subgenres of metal, 1 of them punk and 1 of them noise: 1. Hatred is a thrash metal band from Schweinfurt, Germany. The band was founded in 1998. 2. There is also Hatred, Serbian thrash metal band from Belgrade. 3. Hatred was a thrash metal band from Sweden started by members of the punk band Asocial. This Hatred released 4 demos in the late 80's. Members went on to be in bands like Uncurbed, Centinex and Dellamorte. 4. There is a Dutch Hatred too, a death metal band....
Znaleziony 11 piosenki, Trwanie: 45:13
2013 - Extermination in Solitude (Full EP)
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Engulfed In Tyrannical Manifestation
Engulfed In Tyrannical Manifestation
Devouring The Flesh Of Decapitated
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