Migra Violenta | pl

After an absolutely ripping but unfortunately fairly sheltered demo, Concord CA's Migraine present their debut EP, tearing through six songs of death worship and paranoia. This is some real "end-of-your-life" hardcore. Savage bass lines. Mind bending guitar riffs. Speedy, violent drumming. And some pretty brutal vocals. Think Youth Korps. Think Infest. Think early United Mutation. Just don't think too hard. www.thecorpseinthechair.blogspot.com www.myspace.com/bombthemission .
There are four artists called Immigrants: One is a Chilean rock band, another is a hip hop duo from Massachusetts, the third is a Canadian band and the fourth is a Hardcore/Punk band from Brussels (http://immigrantsbxl.bandcamp.com/) .
Inmigrantes is an argentinean duo formed by the twins Carlos and Pablo Silberberg, despite their short age they have a great experience in music, both been studying music since the age of 6. Both were in a band called "Desire" in which they recorded a cd called "Misterios Orficos" during this time the duo didnt had a considerate success. Afterwards Carlos Silberberg participated in a reality show called " ESCALERA A LA FAMA" (stairway to fame) where he got national recognition , taking advantage of that fact, the duo came back together and started to work in their new cd...
We began with the band at the beginning of the 1999, when Daniel (Brazilian) met carolina (Colombian) in Venezuela where she was playing in a local Anarko-punk band, they together came to live in Argentina and decided to start Migra Violenta, a fast sound with compromise lyrics in a DIY way... it was pretty hard because also on those days here it was no bands with that line and also not many people to start to make other new things, then we knew Juan (argentino) he was running a label and a zine, so we got all together with Patricio...