SOS -Sound of Swing | pl

Blu-Swing are... Yusuke Nakamura : Compose and Keyboard Show Kojima : Guitar Shinji Hasuike : Bass Yu-ri Tanaka : Vocal Tomoaki Miyamoto : Drums Genre: Club / Jazz Label HEI Global, Columbia Music, JAZZYSTER .
Two veterans of the viennese electronic music scene met and joined forces to form King Electric (formerly known as the Sultans of Swing). One of them, Chris Isepp, was publisher of the "trailblazing graphic art/techno magazine "Envelope" (MTV, 1994) in the mid/late-90s, the other, Peter Hartwig, was member of the viennese electronic music pioneers "Bask". As the Sultans of Swing the guys have already shown in recent years their feeling for catchy tunes with hits such as "Summerbreeze" or "The way you feel inside", which were ranked in radio- and club charts worldwide. Following the unexpected death of the Sultans...
The retro-swing unit Indigo Swing were formed in San Francisco around the sextet of vocalist Johnny Boyd, guitarist Josh Workman, bassist Vance Ehlers, drummer "Big Jim" Overton, pianist William Beatty and saxophone player Baron Shul. After kick-starting northern California's new school of swing, the group began touring around America and signed to Time Bomb Recordings in 1997. The group's debut All Aboard! was released in July 1998. They followed with Red Light in 1999. .
The Dutch Swing College Band started out as an amateur-college combo on liberation day (1945, may 5th) and through the years it has grown into a worldfamous jazz ensemble that has toured all five continents to much acclaim. The DSC played a prominent role during the post-war period. At the time many youngsters fell under the spell of the original Amerian music: jazz. The band, which has existed for more than sixty years, has given concerts all over the world and the sounds have been registered on practically all types of sound recordings since 1945. The band also appeared frequently...
Diablo Swing Orchestra ma swoje korzenie jeszcze w XVI wiecznej Szwecji. Z tego okresu pochodzą opowieści o orkiestrze, która grała jak żadna inna, ich muzyka była na tyle kusząca i boska, że zjednywali sobie wielką, oddaną publiczność w całym kraju. Zdobywali serca ludzi z różnych warstw społecznych. Ich występy zdobyły reputację dzikich i energicznych. Po kilku zabawnych dyskusjach, zostało ustalone, że ich muzyka powinna być współczesną wersją starej orkiestry. Annlouice została wybrana główną wokalistką. Jej anielski, mocny, operowy śpiew był idealny, aby wnieść pompatyczny styl do muzyki. Umiejętności Pontusa, związane z muzyką taneczną i elektroniczną, bardzo się przydały, ponieważ orkiestra...