Thundertale | pl

Born in 2004, THUNDERTALE today is one the most productive metal bands in Lithuania – three full studio albums and one DVD in 5 years – now that's something for a scene where any new release is a big event... Members of the band believe in the spirit of Heavy Metal with all of their hearts and they have big plans for the future. Through the music THUNDERTALE represent the spirit of ancient Lithuanian warriors, their ideas of honour, strength and heroism. Lithuanian folk elements and links to hoary Lithuanian war songs are used together with Heavy / Power Metal...
Znaleziony 39 piosenki, Trwanie: 02:44:54
Žemėj Lietuvos
Zemej Lietuvos
Už Tėvynę
Lietuvos Broliai Į Karą Jojo
Thunder Take Me Away
Švieski žvaigžde aukštai
Švieski žvaigžde aukštai
Kol viltis gyva
Dance In The Wind
No More Fear
Battle of The Sun
Vienybės Dvasia
Warriors of Thunder
Lietuvos broliai i kara jojo
For the Honoured Fathers
The Holy Fire
Vienybes Dvasia
Krivule (Intro)
Lietuvos broliai i kara jojo
Su Vėju
Sušlamėjo Girios Medžiai
Is It Worth
Kol Matai
Mes Turim Jëgø
Queen Of Slaves
Knight of the Lonely Star
Už Tėvynę [power metal]
Proud Until the End
Rise and Fight!