И вдруг через сон | pl

Тінь Сонця (pol. Cień Słońca) to ukraiński zespół grający folk metal z elementami heavy, progressive, power i doom, choć sam lider grupy charakteryzuje jej styl jako kozacki rock. Powstał w 1999 roku w Kijowie. Skład: Sergiy Vasyliuk - wokal Andriy Khavruk - gitara elektryczna, klawisze Ivan Luzan - bandura Mykola Luzan - gitara elektryczna Sergiy Gavara - gitara basowa Volodymyr Khavruk - perkusja Dyskografia: Святість Віри (LP) - 2002 Над диким полем (LP) - 2005 За межею (demo) - 2005 Полум'яна Рута (LP) - 2007 Танець Серця (LP) - 2011 .
This tag is WRONG. The correct one is Холодне Сонце. .
"Vdrug", which directly translates as "suddenly", is a music band that was originated by students of former Institute of Culture in Krasnodar, Russia. First band performance was September 1, 1997, which marked a birthday of the band. First success on a region scale was single "Pol Verhoven". In 2002 single "Maina" was highly rotated on local radio station, was included in a series of collection albums and became the second most famous band's track. In 2004 Vdrug released their first album named "Viramaina" which band was recording for almost 3 years. In 2007 Vdrug's song "Sila duha" becomes a soundtrack...