Andreas Weise | pl

There are two artists with this name. The first Andreas Martin is: The second Andres Martin is a lutenist who was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. He studied guitar with Mario Sicca (Musikhochschule Stuttgart) and Ruggero Chiesa (Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Verdi), as well as Anglo–Saxon and Romance Languages and Philosophy at the University of Heidelberg. At the Schola Cantorum in Basel, he worked under the tutelage of lutists Eugen Dombois, Hopkinson Smith and Peter Croton. He has given performances on German and British television and performs at numerous festivals. Andreas Martin's 2004 recording of Bach received...
Andreas Haefliger is a German-born Swiss pianist. Haefliger was born into a musical family, as the son of famed tenor, Ernst Haefliger. He grew up in Switzerland and later studied at The Juilliard School. He has had engagements with many of the major orchestras in America and Europe, having made his New York debut in 1988, and is a frequent performer at the Lucerne and Salzburg Festivals as well as at the BBC Proms and the Wiener Festwochen. .
Andreas Rudolf Kisser (ur. 24 sierpnia 1968 w São Bernardo do Campo) - brazylijski gitarzysta, znany głównie z gry w metalowej grupie Sepultura. Biografia: Przyszedł na świat w rodzinie syna niemieckich imigrantów i Jugosławianki. Zaczął grać na gitarze w wieku 14 lat, jest samoukiem. Początkowo występował w szkolnych zespołach Esfinge i Pestilence w rodzinnym São Paulo. Pod koniec 1986 wyjechał do Belo Horizonte, gdzie poznał ówczesnych członków Sepultury. Niedługo po tym został przyjęty do zespołu, po odejściu dotychczasowego gitarzysty prowadzącego Jairo Guedesa. Od tej pory nieprzerwanie w składzie grupy. W 1992 Kisser wziął udział w kilku próbach Metalliki, starając się...
W. H. Auden Project feat. Inga Luhning, voc „Four Weddings an A Funeral“ were luckily ... ... for W.H. Auden. Scarcely any German knew about the English poet before this romantic comedy was re- leased in our cinemas. Since then, his “Funeral Blues” has become fabulus. Andreas Schnermann, the German pianist, was inspired by Auden’s sen- sitive lyric being mentioned with the same breath like Yeats’ or T.S. Eliot’s high-grade poetries. What Auden pre- sents in his work are the peculiarity of everyday life and fleeting but memo- rable moments being smartly served in a both funny and wise...
Znaleziony 10 piosenki, Trwanie: 34:33
Christmas Dream
Where Is The Snow
Where Is the Snow
Christmas Dream
Holiday Honeymoon
Holiday Honeymoon
Hold Me Close
13. Christmas Peacetime
Dressing Up The Christmas Tree
Dressing Up the Christmas Tree