Flanders | pl

Formację Flanders tworzy czworo muzyków: Alessandro Bunetto, Francesco Abbate, Giuliana Fraglica oraz Marco Giudice. Grają alternatywną muzykę elektroniczną. Giuliana udziela sie wokalnie, pozostali członkowie grupy to DJe. Wszyscy zafascynowani są muzyką takich artystów, jak: Massive Attack, Sneaker Pimps czy Jony Mitchel. Współpraca z ATB to dla nich duże wyróżnienie. .
Thee Flanders started in 1997 with the name Ted Flanders and the Hot wings ! Since 2001 our line up is complete and we got the name Thee Flanders We played with bands like Bela B. (Die Ärzte), Mad Sin, Demented are Go!, The Meteors, Exploited, Batmobile, Misfits, Sunny Domestozs, Frenzy, Mad Heads, Loikaemie, Barcode, Nigel Lewis, Paul Roman (The Quakes) and many more international Top Psychobilly and Punk Acts.... .....and on several festivals like Endless Summer, Satanic Stomp, Kings of Psychobilly, Venomused Mind, Lindenpunk, Punk&Disorderly and City that Never Sleeps, Sounds of the Surburds, Psychomania..... We realesed several Demos,...
Mod Flanders Conspiracy was a band from McLean, Virginia that discovered ways to intertwine Metal, Jazz, Funk, Rock, Hardcore, Math Metal, and Latin with strategically-placed assaults of slide whistles, barbershop quartets, pornography and instructional "do-it-yourself" manuals for the skilled automobile fanatic. The band disbanded in 2005. Their latest release is available through CDBaby and iTunes. Members: Pete Collis - Guitars Bill Collis - Drums Greg Bayliss - Vocals Mikey Horn - Bass .
Wikipedia says: The Flanders Recorder Quartet is a professional recorder group whose members, based in Holland and Belgium, are Bart Spanhove, Tom Beets, Joris van Goethem and Paul van Loey. The quartet is one of a handful of ensembles inspiring a recorder renaissance. Begun in 1987 and vaulted to prominence in 1990 by winning the Musica Antiqua Competition in Bruges, Belgium, the group travels the world giving concerts with over 150 instruments, part of its own vast collection that includes recorders dating back to 1511, copies of instruments owned by Henry VIII, and a rare contemporary sub-bass measuring 7.5 feet....
Znaleziony 99 piosenki, Trwanie: 07:17:26
I'm Over
I'm Over
I'm Over
I'm Over
One for the Razorbacks
I'm Over
I'm Over
Flanders Fields
ned flanders
Ned Flanders
Behind (EDX Radio Mix)
Funky Flanders
Behind (Callea Club Mix)
Dirty Lies - Original by Mad Sin (1992)
Flanders - Behind (Callea Radio Mix)
Pet Semetary (Original by The Ramones (1989)
Eine Alpensinfonie, Op. 64, Trv 233
Небо не ждет (FLanders Beatz)
I'm Over
Behind (EDX Remix Edit)
Behind (Callea Radio Mix)