Esteban Zapata, Machromel | pl

*************** O projecto esteban device chegou ao fim, queremos agradecer a todos os que nos apoiaram e foram aos nossos concertos. Obrigado por tudo mais uma vez! *esteban device* -------------- The project esteban device has come to an end, we want to thank everyone who supported us and have attended our concerts. Thank you again for everything! *esteban device* *************** Temos uma nova música disponível! Chama-se "Strings" e esperamos que gostem. Tudo de bom, esteban device - We have a new song available! It's called "Strings" and we hope you like it. All the best, esteban device Coming from...
Jossie Esteban, interprete y figura artística internacional del merengue, nacido en República Dominicana. Por más de 20 años fue dueño y cantante principal de la "Patrulla 15", orquesta internacionalmente reconocida por sus exitos. Su ritmo, estilo y jocosidad de interpretar cada uno de sus temas lo llevo a ser inconfundible, único en su propio Estilo. Llego a convertirse en uno de los más preferidos del público al interpretar el MERENGUE. Se colocó en las primeras posiciones como artista que más copias de discos ha vendido. Luego decide llevar su música a otros países, otras culturas y otro público. En sus...
There are at least four artists/groups with the name Esteban. 1.) Esteban (born c. 1948 in Pittsburgh, PA) is the stage name of guitarist Stephen Paul. Recognizable by his bolero hat and sunglasses, Esteban has gained commercial success by selling his CDs and guitars on QVC and HSN. Esteban, the son of a steelworker, was the oldest of four children. He recounts that he began playing guitar at the age of eight when his uncle brought him a nylon-stringed guitar. He attended South Hills Catholic High School (since absorbed into Seton-La Salle Catholic High School) in Mt. Lebanon. He then...