Jesus Culture began in the summer of 1999, when the youth group at Bethel Church in Redding, California, led by Banning Liebscher, launched the first Jesus Culture conference. During this time they began leading worship at Jesus Culture conferences both nationally and internationally and thus the Jesus Culture band was formed. The band consists of Kim Walker-Smith (Vocals) and Chris Quilala (Vocals and Guitar) as worship leaders along with Jeffrey Kunde (Lead Guitar), Brandon Aaronson (Bass), Ian McIntosh (Keys) and Josh Fisher (Drums). The ministry has been called "one of the most significant Christian movements in post-war America". They released... Hello, you turkeys. We are Young Jesus. We are Cody Kellogg (lead guitar), Peter Martin (drums), Shawn Nystrand (bass), and John Rossiter (guitar/vox). We can combine into one big, multi-limbed transformer type thing, but that's with a lot of duct tape and roughhousing. Though we love to roughhouse and jangle around, we love playing rock music more. We have self-released two EPs (Late Night Standards and Young, Innocent, and Hairy). We have a debut LP recorded and on the way. We hope our rock music is a reflection of some of the darkness that makes happiness so profound. We've...
Po tym jak xDisciplex A.D. zagrali swój ostatni koncert na Facedown Fest w 2004 roku powstała nowa kapela. Pod nazwą Jesus Wept zaczęli tworzyć na nowo muzyke która jest bezpośrednia i szczera do bólu. 9 lat doświadczenia jako xDisciplex AD można być pewnym że to co tworzą jest perfekcją muzyczną i doskonałymi tekstami , dla tych co lubią szybkie , melodyjne i agresywne granie w stylu Zao , Poison the Well , Snapcase czy With Honor. .
Ukraińska kapela z Kijowa uformowana w 2009r grająca Psychodeliczny Rock, Doom/Stoner Metal. Skład: Igor "Prog-Jester" Sidorenko - Wokal, gitara (2009-obecnie) Sergii - Gitara basowa (2013-obecnie) Viktor - Perkusja (2013-obecnie) Byli członkowie: Sid Sulsar -Gitara basowa (2011-2013) Vadim Matijko - Perkusja (2011-2013) Alexandr Ephirz - Perkusja (2010-2011) Nikolay "Nick" Kobold- Gitara basowa (2010-2011) .
The Brainchild of Swiss – German producer / rapper/ vocalist Mattr (Berne, Swizz) and Montreal based experimental artist ira lee (Montreal, Qc) Little Eskimo Jesus was pioneered through emotional necessity as a psychological outlet for our heroes to indulge in and sponsor their most extreme, indulgent, bizarre, and emotional folk / electro / down tempo / rap experimental collaborations. Weaving seamlessly from electro dance to down tempo trip hop, the astounding diversity of both the production and songwriting is an homage to the vivacity and relevance of contemporary experimental folk rap. Steeped in thick, syrupy synths, crunchy drums, and hypnotic...
Znaleziony 151 piosenki, Trwanie: 11:06:29
Mi Jesús
Mi Jesús
Mi Jesús
Jesus es su nombre
Como No Amarte Jesus
Pra Jesus
Cara a Cara
Háblame Señor
Vem Cá Jesus
Vem Cá Jesus
Sofrer por Jesus
Esperando Em Jesus
Esperando Em Jesus
Desde hoy
Sofrer por Jesus
Jesus e Lázaro
Jesus Me Conquistaste
Te bendigo
Sofrer por Jesus
Sofrer por Jesus
Preciso de Jesus
Preciso de Jesus
Solo a Ti
Ven Senor