The Apathy Eulogy | pl

Swallowed By Apathy was formed with the goal of creating a unique style of Progressive Metal. Founded in 2010 by guitarist/vocalist Brandon Mitchell, the band draws influence from all across the metal spectrum. Since their inception they have worked diligently to develop a sound that differs from the norm in today's metal scene. Within the first year of being formed the band had released an EP as well as their full-length debut album,"Dysgenesis". "Dysgenesis" was mixed/mastered by former Mutiny Within vocalist, Chris Clancy. Now with a new line-up in the works Swallowed By Apathy plans to take the live environment...
Występują dwaj wykonawcy o nazwie Apathy: 1. Chad Bromley (urodzony 8 marca 1979) lepiej znany jako Apathy (formalnie Apathy the Alien Tongue) jest podziemnym raperem i producentem z Willimantic w stanie Connecticut. Jest założycielem podziemnego składu Demigodz Crew, oprócz tego jest członkiem założonego przez Vinnie Paz (Jedi Mind Tricks) składu Army of the Pharaohs oraz miejscowej grupy Doe$Rakers. Współpracuje z DJ Chum the Skrilla Guerilla oraz kolaboruje z innym członkiem Demigodz i AotP - Celph Titled. Jest reprezentantem wciąż rosnącej liczby białych MC. Jego teksty są niezwykle różnorodne, znany jest ze swych zdolności fristajlowych i dopracowanego flow. Wydał swój debiutancki...
Violent Apathy were a Hardcore Punk formed in March 1981 at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The original band was three high school friends from Jackson, Michigan (Kenny, Dick, and Jim) along with Eliot Rachman, another WMU student who hailed from East Lansing. Eliot had worked on the 1980 U.S. Census in Lansing, MI with members of the Fix and the original publishers (Tesco and Dave Stimson) of Touch and Go magazine. He introduced the other members of the band to the then very new music of the Fix, the Necros, and Negative Approach, and all three bands provided...