14 Bis-Boca Livre | pl

Boca Livre is a Brazilian MPB musical group, formed in 1978, in Rio de Janeiro. The first album was released independently in 1979. With its refined style, Boca Livre stands out for its compositions, as well as for versions of other composers' songs. Its instrumental and above all, vocal arrangements escape from the conventional metric used by other groups, through the use of dissonant vocal chords and alternations in the solos. Members: * Maurício Maestro * Zé Renato * Cláudio Nucci * David Tygel * Fernando Gama * Lourenço Baeta Official Website: http://www.grupobocalivre.com.br/ .
JULIANO SON Descendente de imigrantes coreanos, Juliano Son nasceu em São Paulo. É casado com Daniele e pai de Lucas e Filipe. Formado em Teologia pela Faculdade Batista Teológica de São Paulo, é pastor, missionário, músico, compositor e integrante do presbitério da Igreja Missionária Oriental de São Paulo, uma igreja interdenominacional, localizada no bairro do Bom Retiro, em São Paulo. LIVRES O Livres teve seu início em 2006, como resposta ao depoimento de uma missionária quanto a realidade do tráfico e escravidão sexual infantil no Nepal. Sensibilizado pelo relato, Juliano foi levado a gravar um CD com o propósito de...
Mundo Livre S/A, is a Brazilian manguebeat band formed in 1984 in Recife, Pernambuco. It is also one of the founders of that musical style. .
Sempre Livre ("Always Free") 1984-1986, 1991, was an 80s Brazilian pop rock girl band formed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The name of the group is also a famous sanitary pad brand. In 1984, they recorded their first album, produced by Ruban, same producer as the group As Frenéticas. The greatest hit was the song Eu sou free ("I'm free"), composed by Ruban and Patrícia Travassos. Other hits were Esse Seu Jeito Sexy de Ser ("Your Sexy Way of Being) and Fui Eu ("It Was Me). The band was over in 1986, but returned five years later in 1991 with...
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