No Alternative | pl

Alternative TV (ATV) – brytyjski zespół muzyczny, grający muzykę punkrockową i postpunkową, założony przez Marka Perry'ego i Aleksa Fergussona. Grupa ta powstała w 1976 roku w Londynie, zadebiutowała oficjalnie w 1977. Oprócz Perry'ego i Fergussona w zespole grali Micky Smith i John Towe, a w późniejszych czasach wielu innych muzyków. Ostatni skład Alternative TV to: Mark Perry, Kevin Mann, Lee McFadden, Steve Carter. Do najbardziej znanych utworów zespołu należy "Action Time Vision". .
4th Alternative is Rob "Bombardier" Davies. A classically trained pianist who like many musicians searched for expression outside the accepted norms. This led to experiments in music making using radio noise, synthesisers, and whatever instruments came to hand. Such experiments led to opuses such as Sunburst and Submerged composed when in his mid-20's. Involved in various musical activities and collaborations since then, he has now returned to improvised reflective music with 'edge'. 4th Alternative has now released the first commercial album - "Dunes". Initially a digital only release from on 10th November 2011. .
1) Alternative started in the late 1979 in Dunfermline Fife Scotland. Brought together out of frustration and common angered beliefs. They wanted to play their part fighting against the system and it’s so called Democracy, Theocracy and its Monarchy. They originally rented a small venue to use as a practice pad for the band. This was soon to become known as THE PAD and soon became a small Autonomy Centre. It was a basic Anarcho centre that would facilitate other bands in the area to practice and as a meeting place for like-minded individuals. It was used to create fanzines...
The "Alternative Allstars" are a German rock group. Band leader Claus Grabke is a famous skater and tried himself and friends in making music since 1999. Their most famous song is "Rock on" from the Album "Rock On" (published in 1999). They played on stage with bands like Sick Of It All, Bad Religion, Die Ärzte, Oasis and even Bon Jovi. .