The True Spokes | pl

DREAMS COME TRUE (also referred to as DCT or Dorikamu by fans), is a pop duo from Tokyo, formed in 1988. They are renowned for their pop, soul, funk, jazz fusion music, having sold more than 50 million records. DCT was started by bassist 中村正人 (Nakamura Masato) and is fronted by 吉田美和 (Yoshida Miwa), who is the band's main singer-songwriter. They were originally a three-piece band with 西川隆宏 (Nishikawa Takahiro) (keyboards), until he departed in 2002. In 1989, they released their self-titled debut LP, DREAMS COME TRUE, selling over a million copies. Their 1992 release, The Swinging Star, was the...
There are three artists operating with the name 'True Love': 1.) Detroit Michigan Straight Edge Hardcore. FFO: American Nightmare, Panic, Right Brigade and Carry On. Have released one EP titled A Floral Note and a full length called New Young Gods. 2.) Well looks like there are two True Love's. Hard to believe for those die-hard romantics but one is based out of Hoboken, NJ and other is into pot. The one from New Jersey is inspired by Bowie, early Stones (pre 77), Costello, Cheap Trick and any high-fidelity geeks rock n'roll wet dream . Has three singers...
True Colors to belgijski zespół straight edge hardcore prosto z Antwerpii założony przez ex gitarzystę Justice i wokalistę Building . Wystartowali w 2004 roku. 22.05.2010 to data ich pożegnalnego koncertu, jednocześnie premiery ich pożegnalnej epki "Consider It Done". Skład: Dunk - gitara Packo - wokal Hingie - bas Peers - perkusja Dyskografia: 2005 Demo 2006 True Colors 7" 2007 Focus On The Light 12" 2008 Perspective 7" 2009 Rush of Hope 12" 2010 Consider It Done 7" .
True Symphonic Rockestra to projekt, którego założycielem jest niemiecki producent Dirk Ulrich. Łączy w nim głos Jamesa LaBrie (wokalisty Dream Theater) oraz dwóch operowych tenorów: Vladimira Grishko (Ukraina) i Thomasa Dewald (Niemcy). Pozostali muzycy to: Dirk Ulrich - gitara, Christopher Jesidero - skrzypce, Sandro Martinez - gitara, Paul Mayland - perkusja i Marvin Philippi - gitara basowa. .