Lulu Rouge | pl

W skład Rouge Rouge wchodzi dwóch mężczyzn. Jeden z nich to Jean Croc, który był wcześniej pracownikiem jednej z paryskich radiostacji. Drugi pan to Nicolas Errera, który zajmował się komponowaniem. Charakterystyczne dla obu było to, że bardzo lubili eksperymentować i trzeba przyznać, że całkiem dobrze im to wychodziło, a raczej wychodzi do dzisiaj .
Lulu Lewe is a younger sister of famous German singer Sarah Connor .
Banlieue Rouge was a punk band from Montréal, Quebec formed in 1989. They disbanded in 1999. Banlieue Rouge was formed in 1989 in Longueuill. Heavily influenced by French punk rock bands such as Bérurier Noir, they started with a drum machine, which was eventually replaced by Jeff on drums. Their lyrics being written in French, worldwide success was unlikely to ever be reached. However, they did manage to gain considerable popularity in France and Quebec along with the release of their third studio album "Engrenages", in 1993. In 1999, after four full-length albums (plus one live and one best-of) and...