Pillar of Wasps | pl

Pillar - nominowany do nagrody Grammy zespół grający chrześcijański rock, pochodzący z amerykańskiego stanu Oklahoma. Kiedy album Fireproof rozszedł się w 300 tysiącach kopii zespół rozpoczął pracę nad albumem "Where do we go from here", na którym znalazł się przebój: "Bring Me Down", który przysporzył im nową rzeszę fanów. Limitowana edycja tegoż albumu zawierała m.in. cover U2 "Sunday, Bloody, Sunday" Pod koniec 2007 wyszedł album Reckoning. Muzycznie kojarzony z nu metalowymi zespołami Trapt, Default czy Crossfade, jest z nich zdecydowanie najbardziej rockowy Skład zespołu * Rob Beckley: wokal * Rich Gilliand - gitara basowa * Noah Henson: gitara * Taylor...
It shouldn’t come as a surprise if something about Pillar Point’s nine-song self-titled album sounds familiar. Despite being the band’s debut, the moody, melancholy electronica is the work of Scott Reitherman, who until now has been primarily known for his involvement with indie-pop outfit Throw Me The Statue. And while Reitherman’s new project shows off a never-before-seen gloom, his knack for writing tracks that crystalize emotion and work their way into a listener’s guts isn’t at all obscured. The album, produced by Reitherman’s longtime collaborator Charlie Smith, is a musical departure for the Bay Area native. As Reitherman explains, “Part...
Capillary Action is an American avant-rock/experimental music group formed at Oberlin College in 2004 by Jonathan Pfeffer, the group's sole constant member. Capillary Action's music is characterized by its emphasis on structure, density, lush orchestration, disjointed melodies, distinctive chord progressions, and wide dynamic range. There is often a carefully constructed philosophy underpinning each release. Pfeffer cites Tom Ze, Mercedes Sosa, Shudder to Think, Ornette Coleman, Kate Bush, Converge, Rogerio Duprat, Jorge Ben, Bartok, Scott Walker, György Ligeti, and Phil Spector as major influences. Capillary Action has exhibited a strong DIY ethic, inspired by SST-era punk, releasing records on its own...
The Wasps were a British punk band formed in 1976. They played at popular punk venues like the Vortex and the Roxy and drew favorable reviews in NME. The Wasps were known for attracting controversy with their wild shows, which featured wanton violence and fireworks, and for clashing with music reviewers in the pages of Sounds. In 77 a fan was beaten to death by the bouncers at one of their UK tour shows, drawing more controversy to the band. Following the release of the 79 single "Rubber Cars", the band was so popular that there were talks of a...
City of Caterpillar was an American band, from Richmond, Virginia formed in 2000. They released a split with pg. 99, a split with System 2600, a full length album, and an album-length compilation of their demo and some live tracks. Their music moves from technical to restrained in a matter of seconds, often showcasing the prowess of their drummer. City of Caterpillar's music brings a great deal of focus to its dynamics, using (yet expanded upon) the standard emo formula pioneered by bands like Indian Summer, as well as the epic, dirgelike qualities of Portraits of Past, Maximillian Colby and...
Znaleziony 10 piosenki, Trwanie: 30:59
The Pillar (feat. River Elliot)
Synaptic Interface
Worship The Wasp
Makeshift Brainstem
Synaptic Interface
Lenticular Hallway
She Beckons