Кристиан Костов | pl

Кристиан Константинов Костов (Latin script: Kristian Konstantinov Kostov), born on 15 March 2000 in Moscow, Russia is a Bulgarian singer and songwriter. He was a finalist in season one of the The Voice Kids Russia and a runner-up in the fourth season of X Factor Bulgaria. He represented Bulgaria in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 with the song "Beautiful Mess", finishing 2nd. .
Znaleziony 139 piosenki, Trwanie: 07:44:10
Слушай дождь
Знаешь, моя душа рваная
Beautiful Mess [Hit The Floor rmx] (2017)
Ветер Перемен
Кристиан Костов
Позови Меня
С Богом,моя любов!
"Знаешь" ГОЛОС ДЕТИ.Финал
На меньшее я не согласен
What do you want from me
Луч солнца золотого
Скрип колеса
Yesterday - X Factor
Ако си дал - X Factor
Если ты не со мной (А.Киз)