Stellardrive | pl

Stellardrive is an instrumental and noisy post-rock band from Besançon, France. Nico (guitar / Asidefromaday), Charlie (guitar, keyboard), Stef (drum / Gantz), Seb (bassguitar) and Rémi "Pixopath" (visuals and keyboards). After 3 Eps, ERS-1, ERS-2 & ERS-3 and an album "Omega Point" noticed by music critics and the audience (Eurockéennes 2007, Printemps De Bourges 2008, supporting acts for Gifts from Enola, Russian Circles, Red Sparowes, Caspian, M.O.P.A., This Will Destroy You, God Is An Astronaut ...). "ERS-4: Speak, Memory", their latest album is a continuation of their songwriting, both progressive, noisy and melodic. .