Birds of Wales | pl

The Yardbirds - brytyjska grupa rockowa, jedna z tworzących British invasion. Najbardziej znana jako wylęgarnia talentów gitarowych. Założona w 1963 przez wokalistę Keitha Relfa, basistę Paula Samwell-Smitha, perkusistę Jima McCarty'ego i gitarzystów Anthony'ego "Top" Tophhama i polskiego pochodzenia Chrisa Dreję. Grupa grała początkowo głównie typowy dla swego czasu rock and roll oraz rhythm and blues. Prawdziwa historia zespołu rozpoczęła się, gdy w miejsce Tophama dołączył do niego początkujący wówczas gitarzysta Eric Clapton, który okazał się wybitnym wirtuozem tego instrumentu. Muzyka zaczęła zbliżać się wtedy w kierunku bluesa z silną dominacją gitary elektrycznej, jako wiodącego instrumentu i Yardbirds stali się jednym...
Cloudbirds began writing and recording after their previous project, The M’s(Polyvinyl). Keeping the same studio space, an old Salvation Army Church on Chicago’s North side, the three started a new approach to writing and recording. Simplifying, they traded fuzzed-out electronics, bombastic drums and psych guitar riffs for acoustic guitars and little to no effects. This allowed for their three part vocal harmonies to chime on top of the instrument melodies. The result is folk music with a touch of country and some pop, blending old and new. Cloudbirds are currently working on their second collection of songs with hope of...
There are two bands by the name "The Mockingbirds:" 1) The Mockingbirds were formed by Graham Gouldman in late 1964, following the breakup of the earlier Whirlwinds. The lineup included two fellow members of that band, bassist Bernard Basso and guitarist Steve Jacobsen, plus drummer Kevin Godley from another recently disbanded Manchester group, the Sabres. The stage was set for perhaps Britain's greatest should have but didn't band of the mid-'60s. Throughout that period, after all, Gouldman was writing some of the most successful and individual hits of the entire decade -- but not one of them brought the Mockingbirds...
How does a one time varsity soccer star, a student of political science and a descendant of Florence Nightingale get mixed up in the world of rock? And furthermore...where does a band get a name like Birds of Wales? Vancouver singer/songwriter and frontman of Birds of Wales, Morgan Cameron Ross, tells the story best... "While living on campus at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George I spent most of my time either playing soccer or writing songs on acoustic guitar in my room," recalls Ross. "Friends of mine in a band called Stabilo, from Vancouver, eventually convinced...
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