Dopamine | pl

There are three artists with the name Dopamine. 1) Dopamine was a black metal/shoegaze/depressive rock project from China founded by Deng & Jiang in 2008, the vocalist, Zhao (from Be Persecuted) joined later in 2009. They only released a self-titled EP in March 2010, as well as contributing the song "Melting" to a split with Heretoir and Dernier Martyr before splitting up on April 6th, 2010. A compilation entitled "Dying Away in the Deep Fall" was released by one of Deng's record labels in 2011, Pest Productions which featured both songs from their self-titled EP and three previously unreleased tracks....
From the banks of the Ohio river, The Dopamines take what they love from the new wave of pop punk and form a style all their own. 25 minutes of no bullshit influenced by 90's lookout, minneapolis punk, and the Kobanes. Buy them a beer. Order Expect the worst! Order Vices! .