Moonshine | pl

Zespół złożony w myśl zasady, że lepiej jest być sławnym pijakiem, niż anonimowym alkoholikiem. Teksty często wymyślane były chwilę przed koncertami i zaraz po nich zapominane, dzięki czemu fani nigdy nie zdążyli znudzić się ciągle nowymi utworami. Ciągła improwizacja, wymyślanie na bieżąco podkładów pod solówki, oraz wciąganie widzów na scenę wprowadzają na występy niesamowity klimat rodem ze starych hard rockowych amerykańskich kapel. .
Moonshiner is the alias of singer/songwriter Dan Curcio. Leadsinger for the L.A based band 'Still time' After over 7 years of playing together, Still Time has recently decided to move on and is in the process of planning a handful of final shows throughout CA over the next 8 months. ”It’s tough to make a living with 6 guys, taking on EVERY responsibility yourselves and releasing records independently–I think it’s a respectable goal, but very tough to do these days if you want to have a family and a stable life at some point,” says Curcio. With the band moving...
There are several bands named The Moonshiners; 1) Korean indie band consisting of former members of bands such as No Brain, 3호선 버터플라이 and Ghetto Bums. The band is led by the vocal Cha Sueng Woo, who was the original member of a Korean punk rock band "No Brain". Their music is strongly reminiscent of the early rock n roll and rockabilly era. 2) The Moonshiners was born in Vallejo, California. A self-proclaimed shy band while in high school, they began working in the adult industry as striptease dancers in Sacramento when they were 18 in 2000. They began appearing...
Over the course of 3 LPs, 2 singles, and some compilation action, Moonshine Willy endeared themselves to the nascent "alt-country" scene with a whiz-bang melding of rockabilly rumble, bluegrass chicanary, and punk chutzpah. It was head-scratching stuff for a lot of folks at the time---too country for punk, too punk for country---but their energy onstage was undeniable. And irresistible. Holding the dubious distinction of signing the first Bloodshot Records contract (at Lou Mitchell's northside breakfast joint), Moonshine Willy were also the first Bloodshot band to start criss-crossing the country (in their RV--the Willybago) spreading the good word of our peculiar...
The Moonshine Bandits first met at High School in the little agricultural town of Los Banos. Los Banos is a small town located in Central Valley California. Growing up in a small town meant that there wasnt many things to do to stay out of trouble. Keg parties on canal banks or in the country hills, house parties, beer bongs, hay stacks, corn fields, big trucks, mud boggin', and lots of women, just about sums up the life of a Moonshine Bandit. In 1999, Moonshine Bandits formed. The Bandits quickly gained local support and became the first rap/rock act from...