фантастика гимнастика | pl

Moscow band Fantastica was founded in 1998. Today band have an album "Horosho" (2000, "CD Land"), including 11 tracks, and album "Byt' Artistom?" (2004, "Firma Gramzapisi Nikitin"), including 13 tracks, 2 of them earlier were on collections "Panki V Gorode-5" and "PUNK-O-MANIA 2", and clip on single "Ponendel'nik", leading role in it is played by vocalist of band I.F.K. and formerly a presenter of MTV - Tihon Kubov. For time of band existence line-up changed few times and at the moment Fantastica consists of: Nikolay (Kolyan) Bogdanov — bass guitar, vocal (also participates in bands "Naive" and "Ulyi"). Nikita Muravyev...
Znaleziony 6 piosenki, Trwanie: 20:06
Гимнастика-фантастика (Dance
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Гимнастика-фантастика (Dance
Gimnastika (DJ Solovey remix) (edit)