Reiche | pl

Shadow Reichenstein – amerykański zespół założony w 2001 roku w Dallas, grający mieszankę rocka gotyckiego, horror punka i deathrocka. Inspiracją grupy są stare horrory oraz klasyczny rock and roll. Wydali dwie długogrające płyty, w 2007 roku odbyli także europejską trasę "Werewolf Order – European Invasion" odwiedzając głównie Niemcy ale także Szwajcarię, Holandię, Austrię, Czechy i Polskę. Skład * Shadow Reichenstein – wokal, gitara elektryczna * Boog Nasty – perkusja * Curt Saxon – gitara elektryczna * James Ogre – gitara basowa Dyskografia 1. It's Monster Rock (2001, LP) 2. Bela Was A Junkie (2003, singel) 3. Werewolf Order (2005, LP)...
Achim Reichel (born January 28, 1944) is a musician, producer and songwriter from Hamburg, Germany. He is known for his 1991 single "Aloha Heja He", as well as for having fronted British Invasion-influenced band The Rattles, who, among other achievements, were selected to open for The Beatles on the Fabs' last-ever tour of Europe in 1966. In 1968, he co-founded the psychedelic rock group Wonderland which also included English ex-patriate Les Humphries who would soon start his own Les Humphries Singers. In 1971, Reichel left the group for his own progressive Krautrock solo project, A. R. & Machines, of which...
Starting in Melbourne, Australia in the mid 80s, Ülex Xane began a number of extreme noise projects released mostly on cassette and distributed through the tape networks up to the early 90s. The original cassettes are now sought after collectors items. Streicher utilise a mix of total noise / power noise with covert military recordings, military equipment, radar signals, military telecommunication signals. It is a stark comment on the current war against terrorism – literally, a war without end. .