Second wave of American Tween Melodic Rap Metalcore | pl

Über awesome tag in honor of Brütal Legend game, where this tag was used for hilariously awful fictional tween band, Kabbage Boy.

People are free to use this tag for anything that fits it - be it a band which sold out for more "modern, radio-friendly" sound or band which tries to appeal to the emo teen demographic way too much.

Basically anything that claims to be metal, but isn't. Is a fair game. Especially recommended to tag those with .

S.W.O.A.T.M.R.M bands usually:
- Have some sort of style mix up that sounds ridiculous (like fusion of metal and rap, etc).
- Are known for heavy usage of techno breakdowns.
- Contain lyrics targeted at emo teen demographic.
- May have been good bands before but decided to go for more "modern" or "radio-friendly" sound. .

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