11 Cabeças | pt

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The Brazilian group 11 Cabeças (portuguese for “Eleven Heads”) has been formed on the basis of a shared passion among it’s components for the big jazz ensembles of the Cool Jazz era (Miles Davis’, Gil Evans’, Gerry Mulligan’s). Providing a more concise sound and very open to unorthodox experimentation on instrumentation, this kind of formation lends itself quite nicely to an array of different styles, ranging from the cool sounds of Bossa Nova sonority to the highly charged Jazz Big Band sound emulating horn block melodies; from the very danceable Samba-Funk coupling associated with brazilian horn driven bands like Banda Black Rio , to the sizzling rhythms of Afro-Cuban Jazz .
11 Cabeças developed a unique sound that is versatile enough to emulate a Big Band in a given moment and deliver an authentic Gafieira Band reading of a Tom Jobim standard. By combining a powerfull rhythm section - wich can sound either “acoustic” (emploing Acoustic Bass, Piano and Acoustic Guitar, brushed Drums and ligth Percussion) or electric (displaying Electric Bass, Electric Piano and Electric Guitar with funky Drums and Percussion) - with a six piece horn section that can “split” itself in two (Woodwinds & Brass ), the group achieves a broad pallette, a distinguished collective sound that nevertheless leaves room for each musician to shine, either through the way each instrument is featured on a given arrangement, or through sheer improvisation, as on the solo sections present on most of the bands’ selections.

11 Cabeças is:
*Marcelo Martins ,alto sax,C and G flutes,Piccolo & Pife (Djavan,Francis Hime, Gilberto Gil …)
*Levi Chaves, alto sax,clarinete,bass clarinete & C flute (Antonio Adolfo,Vitória Régia, Farofa Carioca …)
*Henrique Band ,tenor,baritone and soprano saxes,arrangements & compositions (Barão Vermelho, Titãs , Michel Legrand… )
*Altair Martins , trumpet & flugelhorn (Titas,Emilio Santiago , Francis Hime …)
*Gilmar Ferreira, slide and valve trombones(Rio Jazz Orq. ,Sandra de Sá ,Teatro Municipal …)
*Thiago Osório,tuba & euphonium (O.S.F.)
*Bernardo Bosisio,electric and acoustic guitars, background vocals (Nico Assumpção,Leo Gandelmann,Simone.Leila Pinheiro …)
*Philippe Baden Powell, acoustic and electric piano, keyboards,lead & background vocals , (Airto & Flora Purim)
*Bruno Migliari ,acoustic and electric basses,lead & background vocals & arrangement,( Frejat,Ana Carolina, 8VB Fernanda Abreu, Moska,Lobão,Marcos Valle…)
*Cassio Cunha , drums, aditional percussion and background vocals , (Alceu Valença,Moraes Moreira,Geraldo Azevedo …)
*Amoy Ribas , percussion, (Leandro Braga, Hamilton de Hollanda)
