Catherine Braslavsky | pt

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After her master's degree in mathematics and biology in 1985, she began to change careers, finally devoting herself entirely to music. During the next five years, she studied:
- classical voice (Magali Damonte; Philippe Ballois)
- Gregorian Chant (Catholic Institute in Paris, Strasbourg University)
- Medieval Chant (Centre de Musique Médiévale in Paris, Gennevilliers Conservatory)

In 1986 she began intensive studies of the music of Hildegard of Bingen, which now holds a place in her repertoire almost as important as that of Gregorian chant.
photo Roswitha Guillemin

In 1989 she began to practice overtone singing with David Hykes, and few months later, became a member of his Harmonic Choir. She was also an assistant teacher in his workshops.
This led to extensive concertizing, in France at major concert halls such as the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris, Sacred Art Festival in Paris, and abroad in Los Angeles, Tokyo, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Prague, Warsaw, Zurich etc...
She left the Harmonic Choir in 1995 in order to devote herself entirely to her own musical projects.

Long attracted by Indian music, she studied the South Indian classical tradition with Nageswara Rao in 1992-93.
Since then she has pursued research in ancient music (Jewish, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek and early Christian), and contemporary musical traditions.

In 1991, she began to work with Joseph Rowe and Thierry Renard. After several years of research, they performed their first major concerts in 1994, recording their first album "Alma Anima" as well. Since then she has concertized extensively in France, and has performed several concerts in the U.S. She has also performed and composed music for the theater, collaborating with Alain Kremski and Joseph Rowe in the highly acclaimed production "L'Ombre de Lumière", based on the music and texts of Hildegard of Bingen. She also collaborated with Kremski in "Musiques Rares," and with Joseph Rowe in the "Credo" project, as well as the recent performance piece "From Jerusalem to Cordoba". She has also composed and recorded music for French television and documentary films.

An active music teacher, she has developed her own method of "natural chant," consisting of deep work on the voice, exploring certain musical traditions, and a new approach to improvisation. She teaches in Paris, both individually and in classes, and often directs workshops in France and abroad. .